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Ted's carvings are featured in a new Lark book,"Weekend Crafter" by John Hillyer. Look for this soon.

Book-- "By Hand"
Author-- Janice Kilby

Retired Ark

Ted's Ark from 1990 is featured on page 106 of By Hand. Since it is now retired he developed the new Mini Ark based on this design.
thumbnail image Make 25 wonderful art projects and learn a wealth of traditional American handcrafts at the same time. From quilting, to carved wood, to painted tin, you'll use many techniques and decorative effects that would have been familiar to crafts people hundreds of years ago and are still popular today. Book regularly $27.95
Take $2 off $25.95

Mini Genesis Ark
Mini Genensis Ark Click For Enlargement

Mini Promise Ark Click For Enlargement
Mini Promise Ark Boat
Mini After The Flood Click For Enlargement
Mini After The Flood
Mini Ark
7.5x5x2.5" $250

This mini ark features a carved boat, detailed house with a scripture painted on the roof. Genesis 9:1 is the scripture verse selected for this ark. This set includes Noah, his wife, a dove, and pairs of lions, giraffes, zebras, eagles, bears, skunks, camels, and elephants.
Click Carving Image for Enlargement
      Mini Ark $225



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